Our Mission

To provide a wide variety of year-round recreation programs, facilities, and park areas which respond to the needs and desires of all residents of the Bear River Recreation and Park district.  This mission is attained by striving to meet the following goals of the Bear River Recreation and Parks District:

Enhance the quality of life for all residents through the provision of public recreation programs and services;

Develop park areas and recreational facilities to meet the present and future demands of the District residents;

Ensure sufficient passive and active park land to meet the leisure needs of present and future populations;

Maintain park areas and facilities that are clean, safe, and aesthetically pleasing;

Effectively administer the revenues and expenditures of the District’s various budgets;

Effectively market the District’s services, and to contribute to the economic growth of Nevada County.

Provision of a variety of passive and active recreation programs for all age groups in cooperation with schools and other community organizations.

This is our commitment to the residents of the Bear River Recreation and Park District.